My pledge

After a week of sorting through my thoughts and reading my friends articulate, pointed, but still painful reflections, I want to lay out here what I can and will do not only to defeat Trumpism, but also to galvanize good.

1) Remember and say their names. I understand that much of the police reform dialogue and media attention has faded in the wake of the election, but that lived reality of fear and death at the hands of the state is still so true (and now likely to get much worse) for people of color. And yes, even in "safe" cities like New York. So not only will I continue to financially support Campaign Zero, but I will also take a moment each morning to remember their names to keep me grounded in the fight to come.

2) Double down on STEM education and sustainable energies. There are very real consequences of having the head of the EPA deny climate change and global warming. Many academics, environmentalists, and politicians are predicting an upcoming tipping point within the next few years. We need collaborative and unprecedented focus - a la Manhattan Project but without the government. Forget about Mars. Mark Zuckerberg wants to end disease - this needs to come first. Personally, I will both give my time and resources to organizations that: 1) create economic opportunity by engaging students in authentic STEM experiences and learning, especially in rural areas, 2) invest in, and create an ecosystem of competitive and collaborative innovation that is needed to spark change, and 3) bring educational opportunities to those especially in rural areas.

3) Greet strangers and share stories. I've been reminded of the importance of stepping out of my comfort and overlapping bubbles more than ever post-election. For me, my photography, blog, and connection to a few other projects will continue to be my motivators and media of choice. I'm grateful for the gift and will continue to use what I have to help others connect.

4) Confront complicit white people. White people elected trump. White men in particular drove him to power. Clearly people painting swastikas, joining the KKK, and committing other overt racist acts need to be stopped, but I fear more for the person who continues to sit by and let it happen. I don't know exactly how I will do this, but it is what I will do.

5) Get local. This is what the republicans have been doing for decades and they keep reaping the rewards, from the House to city councils, and now finally the Presidency.

6) Read differently. In particular, ensuring that I read more than 75% of my books this year from authors of color. Additionally, and stealing from a great list a friend of mine put together, these:

  • White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America
  • Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
  • The New Jim Crow
  • Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
  • Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger & Mourning on the American Right

7) Shop differently. Our dollars can make a big difference, especially when we choose to spend them on businesses owned by women and people of color. I will be much more intentional with everything from things that I buy for myself and as gifts for others, where I eat and drink, and who I choose to avoid at all costs.

To be continued

The difference between good and great

"What did you say your name was again? Why haven't you been around before?"

That's what the director of the bands said as we were tuning up at my first audition for the jazz band at Cornell. The memory is still exceptionally vivid - more lifelike than most I carry with me. I was nervous, insecure, but excited. I suppose everyone is a bit nervous at those sort of things but I was extra nervous. Like most tryouts of the sort, it was a group audition that essentially played to all my weaknesses - sight reading, well structured improv, and the insecurity that comes with being surrounded by enormous talent. Many of the folks there that day have gone on to careers in music.

But I also remember the way the fear rolled off my back when I heard the director say those words. He sensed something in just that one note that ultimately led him to ask me to join the band. I fumbled my way through the sight reading section, botched my solo, and sweat buckets waiting for the results. Sure, I was only in the top band for one semester (apparently playing a good C isn't enough) but it was a transformative experience. 

While the moment stood out for me as something wholly distinct ("hey, you've got something special") in my 20+ years playing the sax, it really shouldn't have. That's where the insecurity and lack of awareness came in. I had heard that refrain before. Just a few years earlier a top music professor asked me to be his student at the Manhattan School of Music prep program because he "heard something" - potential. He also said he heard that I had "no tone", but that's another story.

And a few years before that I was in a music shop trying out mouth pieces when a few fellow musicians said off handedly how I sounded like another musician they loved. I ignored the signals because of my own self-doubt. I knew I was good. I worked extraordinarily hard to be good. But I also felt I didn't have what it took to be great and that expectation always limited me.

So I learned to listen to signals better. I began to realize that others would value me only as much as I valued myself.

What I began to realize as I did more photography is that people stopped asking how long have I been doing photography but rather were more interested in what I focused my efforts on. What interested me. What drove me.

There are days I miss my sax but more importantly I remember what I've learned because of it.

Begin and Begin Again

“Slow down, take time, allow yourself to be wildly diverted from your plan.” 
- David duChemin, Within the Frame

Do you have a plan?

Do your friends have a plan?

Have you read a book about a plan?

If you're like so many people I've spoken to recently, we're surrounded by a myth that says everyone has to have a plan. A tight, artisanal farm-to-table, bespoke-styled plan with just the right mix of carefully curated serendipity and chance encounters. Stirred not shaken.

I too was one of those people. I'm probably still mostly one of those people but I've also chosen to have less of a plan and more of a path.

I made the change in part because I had to, but also because in that moment, I realized I was the force stopping myself from trying something bold. I was the block that was holding me back from doing more of my art. I was the barrier from doing more of the thing that brought me intense joy and satisfaction.

The path I've chosen is not special, but it's most certainly mine. That was my first realization: I was looking for something "special" when what I wanted was there all along. I found it in my work at the DOE and in my photography. I help people rediscover the connections, beauty, and knowledge around them. Whether it's dealing with data, teasing new flavors out of food, or discovering the shared humanity in the neighborhood through photographs - that is my path.

I'll share more about this journey in posts to come. Thanks for joining me.